Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why do Teachers that Hate their Job Continue Teaching?

Im sure we have all had at least one teacher that seems to not care at all for their students or jobs in general. It is not even a mater of whether the class is easy some teachers that grade hard but are nice who make you want to try and do better are much better teachers then ones that don't care at all and only go through the motions. It makes me wonder why they bothered to become teachers in the first place. Did they start out not liking teaching from the beginning have they just been teaching too long did they think they would be making more money? what it is that makes them dislike their job so much?I have encountered these types of teachers all over the grid from elementary school through college, and it just seems sad when a person seems to dislike there job so much especially when they are supposed to be helping others to further there education. It is just not a very good environment to learn in when you have questions and want to further understand something and then the teacher always treats it like you just asked them to run a marathon. People that dislike there job that much really should rethink their choice in career.


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