Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Randomosity of College Kids

Despite the fact that you are older, you still have to deal with the same stupid stuff as in high school. Why is this?
People say that when you are in college, you don't have to deal with all the drama that comes with being in high school. They aren't entirely correct. Though I don't have much drama in my life, there still exists drama that was dealt with in high school.

Because men are at the height of their maturity at 12, then they regress.

But it is not men I have drama with, it is females. The girlfriends of my buddies are always in the middle of drama that they should have left with their high school selves.

To escape from their every day boring life, they create drama.

But I don't understand why they have to bring other people into their drama, because I do not want to have to deal with things that are happening 100 miles away that have nothing to do with me.

They like the attention. Sad I know, but true nontheless. Why is fried chicken so good?

Fried chicken is AMAZING!!! It has to do with the beautiful layer of bread that seperates the chicken breast/thigh/leg from your hungry, salivating mouth. it is only good when the chicken is thouroughly cooked though. I went to KFC once and had a not-quite-cooked chicken thigh, and it was not so amazing.

KFC in China is better.

But I'm not in China.

Have you tried the chicken wraped bacon? My roommate got it, and it is good. But you know how they say something is a heart attack waiting to happpen? This IS a heart attack.

Are you talking about the DoubleDown thing or whatever it's called?

Yeah that.

I think it is the stupidest idea ever! America is a fat nation as it is. Two pieces of fried chicken with cheese in the middle is gonna make us even more fat. And they say that they have it with grilled chicken, but that is still not going to help very much because that is A LOT of calories.

You forgot the bacon in the middle too.

Whatever. Helps my point even more.

I know. It is bad.

Bad is quite an understatment. They need to concentrate on making something like a chicken salad. I don't know if they have one or not, but if they don't, they should. If they do, they need to push that more on America, cause it's healthier.

But most people dont realise that most salads are just as bad if not worse than anything else because they slather dressing all over it, along with shredded cheese and bacon as well.

But if they don't offer those on the salads, they won't have that problem.

True, but then most people wont buy it. I find it funny that they make this burger thing after they even changed the name to Kentucky FRESH Chicken to try and be "healthier".

I thought it was Kitchen Fresh Chicken.....

Yeah, something like that.

On a related subject.... Did you watch Jamie Oliver's show about trying to change America's outlook on healthy food?

I dont have TV.

Oh... Well, this bloke (?) from England came here and went to Huntington, West Virginia, which is the most unhealthy city in the nation, and he tried to get people to eat more vegetables and fruits and whatnot. He went to the schools in town and got them to change their lunch menus to include less "bad" food like french fries, and replaced it with stuff like fresh vegetables and tried to include stir fry in the menu. It was pretty interesting.

Well, sounds more intresting then most stuff on TV today. Though speaking of TV, why do people feel the it is necessary to have it? I mean most people that have it dont even really watch it, and everything they do watch is on the Net legally anyway. It is 40 bucks a month down the drain.

It inspired me to eat healthier..... though I haven't quite gone through with it yet. I started to, but have strayed from it since I watched it.

Yeah. It is hard to change your lifestyle like that, it has to become habit. Not to mention that the food that is most readily available to you is unhealthy, and with many people's lifestyles especially that of a college student, which is so busy with work and school, it is hard to keep to a healthier diet.

I agree. But I think people don't want to change their lifestyles and eat healthier because the junk food is SOOOOOO good.

I wonder if the good food was bad for you and the bad food was good for you, would we still think the same? Because people don't like to do what they are told by others.

Isn't that the way it is now? Cause junk food is good, but is bad for you....

I mean if healthy food was, in reality, bad for you, would we like it more, the taste and stuff? And if junk food was really healthy, would we not like it as much?

If healthy food wasn't good for you, why would it be called "healthy"?

Well, we probably wouldn't call it healthy then. But say tomatoes had the calories and all that bad stuff in the nutrients as chips, would people like to eat them more?

I don't think people eat junk food because of the calories and whatnot. They eat it because it tastes good. So, tomatoes that have all the calories and whatnot of chips wouldn't matter. They'd be eaten the same as they are now, because people still know that it is a tomato and would associate it with grossness.

I see.

Do you really?

Yep. There are lots of colors and a guy that looks and sounds like Paul McCartney talking.

And that is the epitome of randomness of college kids.

Peace out.